Materials of a graphitic nature (e.g., graphite, graphene, carbon nanotubes etc.) will have a C 1s main peak, attributed to C=C, which can be used as a charge reference set to 284.5 eV. This makes for easier comparison to the polymer handbook which uses this number for charge correction. Reference presents a detailed assessment of the analysis of insulating samples from a multi-user facility from over a 5-year period that showed an adventitious C 1s (C-C, C-H) binding of 284.91 eV ☐.25eV.įor organic systems, especially polymers, it is convenient to charge correct to the C-C, C-H signal set to 285.0 eV. Experience with numerous conducting samples (1995 to present) and a routinely calibrated instrument have shown that the C 1s signal generally ranges from 284.7 eV to as high as 285.2 eV. Our work in 2002 also suggests error in the ☐.2eV to ☐.3eV range. Barr's work from 1995 states that error in using adventitious carbon is ☐.2 eV. Were in the ☐.4eV range - however, reproducibility and resolution of the spectrometers of “Older” studies (late 1960's to early 1970's) Studies (late 1970's) range from ☐.1 to ☐.3 eV. Studies showing errors ranging from ☐.1eV to ☐.4 eV. There is certainly error associated with this assignment.
Spectra from insulating samples can then be charge corrected by shifting all peaks to the adventitious C 1s spectral component (C-C, C-H) binding energy set to 284.8 eV.